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"A Shop is Born"

Whatever happened to that Boat I'm supposed to fix up??????

Here's some pix of whacky flora and fauna down here on John's Island...


This is one big ass spider...there were literally hundreds of these guys in the barn, but you should see the effects of a pressure washer on their habitat..I don't know if they bite, but they look like they can...nor do I know what kind of spider this is....I call em "John's Island Tarantulas"

Copper Head snakes.....venemoso!!!!. (Agkistrodon Contortrix) The Copperhead is the most common venomous snake found in the eastern US. It is also known by the name "Highland Moccasin." As a species, it belongs to the genus "Agkistrodon" which also includes the Cottonmouth, also known as the "Water Moccasin". Copperheads are usually colorful and strikingly patterned snakes. They derive their name from the copper-like coloring of the head. The background color of the back and sides is tan to pinkish. There are darker, chestnut colored bands across the back and sides. Each band is of varing width, often described as hour-glass shaped. Newborn Copperheads are colored and patterned like adults, excepting the last inch of so of the tail which will be a bright, sulfur yellow color. Adults are usually in the range of 24 to 36 inches in length, although specimens of greater than 42 inches are not rare. They give live birth to young. Copperheads eat small rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, amphibians, and insects. Copperheads are venomous, pit vipers. Copperheads account for more cases of venomous snake bite than any of our other species. Fortunately, their venom is the least toxic of our species. Bites from Copperheads are very seldom fatal; however, a bite may still produce serious consequences. There are 2 subspecies of Copperheads occuring in South Carolina. Both subspecies appear very similar, although the Southern is usually lighter colored. The most widespread is the Southern Copperhead which ranges from the coast to the upper Piedmont.

Snake handling....

Well, should be a good conversation piece....

Humming bird got into the house, I caught him w/ a tee-shirt and sent him on his way (to Mexico for the winter....)


Garden Spider (Black and Yellow Argiope-argiope aurantia) The Black and Yellow Argiope is a common orb web spider. Orb web means it spins a web like a circle.....

Banana Spider.....Golden Silk Spiders (nephila clavipes) --are harmless . Their bite is milder than a bee sting. Do not confuse them with the aggressive brown banana spiders from South America who are VERY DANGEROUS!


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"A Shop is Born"

Whatever happened to that Boat I'm supposed to fix up??????